by Sgt Wyble USMC (Ret) | Feb 25, 2020 | Dog House Blog, Mission Occupational Specialties
First US Marine Recruiter The very first Marine Corps Recruiter was Robert and Peggy Mullan during 1775. Robert Mullan was the proprietor of Tun Tavern. This was a very popular bar. It was frequented by people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin...
by Sgt Wyble USMC (Ret) | Feb 25, 2020 | Dog House Blog, Mission Occupational Specialties
USMC Combat Engineers build, repair, and maintain infrastructure and combat fortifications. They are responsible for employing explosives for construction and demolition projects, and route clearance. Being a Combat Engineer requires an amazing amount of testicular...
by Sgt Wyble USMC (Ret) | Feb 17, 2020 | Dog House Blog, Mission Occupational Specialties
USMC Scout Sniper When a civilian looks toward the armed services recruiting center they weigh their options. Those that look toward the army want to become Rangers, the Navy, SEALs. However, when an applicant walks into the Marine recruiting center, they...
by Sgt Wyble USMC (Ret) | Feb 13, 2020 | Dog House Blog, Mission Occupational Specialties
USMC Artillery History The first time long-range weapons appeared in war they were a success. Ancient artillery suppressed the enemy and allowed maneuver on the battlefield. Artillery originated from slings and javelins. However, as civilizations advanced their...
by Sgt Wyble USMC (Ret) | May 21, 2017 | Dog House Blog, Mission Occupational Specialties
History of Marine Corps Armored Warfare During World War I Marine Corps Armored Warfare did not exist. The creation of tanks are the result of mounting casualties during WWI. Some form of weapon needed to break the stalemate caused by trench warfare. Tanks have...
by Sgt Wyble USMC (Ret) | Apr 21, 2017 | Dog House Blog, Mission Occupational Specialties
Mission Occupational Specialties Explained In the Marine Corps, each and every individual that claims the title is a rifleman first. 100’s: Personnel and Administration 0111 Administrative Specialist 0147 Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA) 0149 Substance...
by Sgt Wyble USMC (Ret) | Feb 6, 2017 | Dog House Blog, Mission Occupational Specialties
The History of Military Dog Handlers The use of military dog handlers dates as far back in history as the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians would unleash their dogs into enemy ranks during battle. This broke up enemy formations, and made them vulnerable to cavalry...
by Sgt Wyble USMC (Ret) | Apr 24, 2016 | Dog House Blog, Mission Occupational Specialties
Drill Instructors: Pit Bulls of the Marine Corps Drill Instructors: Pit Bulls of the Marine Corps examine the world of the US Marine Corps Drill Instructor. No matter how salty your Marine Corps is or was, you will never for get these crazy motivators! These Marines...