ISIS Hunting Club
Was started as a grass roots movement via social media. It has grown into an international community. With different countries around the world who use the name ISIS Hunting Club. Personally, I have seen the powerful effect of social media in warfare. During 2010 many activists raised their voices from Tunisia via social media. What followed shortly after is known as the Arab Spring. The result would lead Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen all to depose their leaders. Algeria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, and Sudan would all see major protest as a result. The effects of the Arab Spring are still seen today in Syria, as rebel forces struggle to topple the Bashar Al Assad’s regime.
Social media is powerful tool in the hands of our enemies. Who use it to entice Europeans and Americans to leave their homes and join ISIS. Now we are using the same tool to implement a positive change by banding together under one cause. Eliminate the ideology of death and silence the perpetrators of this poison that is infecting our world!
What is IHC?
The Kurdish people banded together men and women alike to combat the daesh threat gripping the Middle East. The most notable of the groups are the YPG, YPJ, and PKK in northern Syria and the Peshmerga in northern Iraq/Kurdistan.
The Peshmerga
The Peshmerga have been an invaluable ally to the maintaining security in the Middle East. They were our allies during Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Peshmerga also had a hand in the capture of Saddam Hussien and the capture of the courier that lead the U.S. to Osama Bin Laden’s hideout.
Now the Peshmerga are instrumental in the liberation of oppressed people and the destruction of ISIS. Our chapter of ISIS Hunting Club supports the International Peshmerga Volunteers. The International Peshmerga Volunteers are composed primarily of Western Volunteers that have felt a calling deep inside their hearts to help.
The International Peshmerga Volunteers are currently fulfilling missions to include medical training, military training and security, and humanitarian assistance. The very existence of the IPV and IHC gives those suffering hope, that were governments fail, the people of the world will come together.
ISIS Hunting Club sees many exploit war in the Middle East. We want to provide people with a chance to donate, receive a gift, and actually see what a difference they are making!
The daesh ideology of death and oppression cannot stand a chance when the world stands together in unison. The difference starts with you! Together as a global collective we stand for what inherently right for very human being. The right to Life! We cannot sit back and “watch” genocide unfold before us.
IHC is currently sending care packages to the IPV to distribute medical supplies, children’s toys, and writing supplies. Each package we are able to send will be a package filled with hope.
With every large donation you will receive a certificate of donation and an IHC Member Coin. You can follow the progress of the IPV on social media to see your donations having a positive effect.
With every donation you are assisting the mission of Western Volunteers making a positive impact in the war torn Middle East.