US Marine NCO Creed

The United States Marine Corps have been molding Marines for over 240 years.  From the very first Marines, to the present day,  each one of them has “earned” the title.  Marines that become an NCO (Non Commissioned Officer) earn their rank.  They must first rate a cutting score as a Lance Corporal by time in grade.  The LCpls “proficiency” and “conduct” will reflect in their cutting score.  A LCpl will also accrue points to their cutting score by TIG as a Lance.  Finally, marksmanship and physical fitness play as key role in becoming an NCO

.Marine getting promoted by NCOs USMC Baseball Hats Devil Dog T-Shirts

As you have read, becoming an NCO can be very challenging.  Many Marines complete their four year contract without getting promoted past LCpl.  They are commonly referred as a Terminal Lance.  Sometimes it is not their fault, as MOSs close out to promotion due to downsizing.  When a Marine becomes a Corporal they are a working supervisor.  Yet their area of supervision is vast.  They are a Corporal of Marines.  That is “ALL” Marines of lesser grade.  The Marine Corps NCO Creed lays out what is expected them.

US Marine NCO Creed

Non Commissioned Officer’s Creed

“I am an NCO dedicated to training new Marines and influencing the old.  I am forever conscious of each Marine under my charge, and by example will inspire them to the highest standards possible. I shall strive to be patient, understanding, just, and firm.  I will commend the deserving and encourage the wayward.  I will never forget that I am responsible to the Commanding Officer for the morale, discipline, and efficiency of my men.  Their performance will reflect an image of me.”    – Non Commissioned Officers Creed

I am an NCO dedicated to training new Marines and influencing the old

Being a Marine isn’t a job or career, it’s a lifestyle.  To get junior Marines adapted to that lifestyle can be challenging.  Mental and physical training by their NCOs will get them on point.  As a Corporal or Sergeant of Marines you cannot treat a Lance Corporal the same way you would treat a boot.  You must mentor and guide them in order to develop subordinate leaders.

I am forever conscious of each Marine under my charge

Having accountability is paramount in the Marine Corps.  Not just for personnel, but for all serialized gear and equipment.

And by example will inspire them to the highest standards possible

In order to correct your junior Marines you must first be flawless yourself.  This includes having more knowledge, physical fitness, and leadership skills than your junior Marines.

I will strive to be patient, understanding, just, and firm.

Patience is essential when training your Marines.  It is unacceptable for an NCO to lose their bearing.

Understanding your Marines is important in leadership.  Every Marine is different and may require a tailored approach.

Being Just can make or break an NCO.  Favoritism or unethical behavior with your junior Marines is not allowed.  As every Marine is treated equally according to rank or billet.

Being Firm is necessary to creating good order and discipline.

I will commend the deserving and encourage the wayward

Positive and negative reinforcement can go a long way.  It is important to reward good Marines.  It is also important to discipline shit-bags.

I will never forget that I am responsible for the morale, discipline, and efficiency of my men.

Morale is important.  It can be accomplished by looking after troop welfare.

Discipline is key to maintaining good order.  Having good order fosters a better learning environment.

Efficiency  is how well your junior Marines know their MOS and perform physically in the field.  You can be an expert at the rifle, or a PT God, yet what would it profit if you didn’t know your MOS?

Their performance will reflect an image of me.

Overall you are responsible for your Marines to include their mistakes.  In the Corps as an NCO you are judged by the performance of your Marines.

Being a Marine NCO

Marine NCO Coin USMC Baseball Hats Devil Dog T-Shirts

Becoming an NCO in the Marine Corps can be the most rewarding time of a person’s life.  You can have a direct impact on who a person is as a Marine.  Their future will depend on the training they receive by their NCOs.  Each leader will live on by the training they give their Marines.

Devil Dog Shirts is proud to have hard-charging NCOs in their ranks.  This Creed is a solid foundation for leadership.  No matter where you are and what you do.  NCOs carry on the torch of the Warrior Ethos.  They are the solid foundation in which the Marine Corps relies upon.  So here is to all of our NCOs!  Semper Fidelis!