Without question one of the most effective tank killers of Desert Storm were the AH-1H Bell SeaCobras flown by US Marine pilots and crews. We have always said that you need to bring a lot of SeaCobras kill a lot of tanks, because that is what they do. Desert Storm came with a variety of US military assets and what they left on the battlefield was torn, smoking wreckage of a once Sadam Hussein led Iraqi military. The mother of all battles he cried was upon them and when America left he quickly learned that pitting Russian made T-55 and new generation tanks against them was a losing gesture. For that reason the Bell AH-1W SeaCobra Devil Dogs of Desert Storm Challenge Coin was designed and minted.
This amazing USMC flown desert fitted (Paul Atreides) would have been proud to have flown one of these birds in the deepest of deserts was a very successful killer. That is why Devil Dog Shirts designed this USMC challenge coin along with the entire series of Devil Dogs of Desert Storm challenge coins bringing honor and respect to the US Marines that flew or fought in these amazing machines of war.

She fought in Desert Storm
The AH-1J was ultimately supplanted in USMC service by the AH-1W. Twin-engine Cobras saw combat service during the 1991 Gulf War in the tank-killing role as well as the American-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq during the 2000s. While the AH-1W remains the standard attack helicopter for the USMC, it is being replaced by the incoming AH-1Z “Viper” mark (“Zulu Cobra”) as of this writing (2014) bringing with it improved avionics, up rated engines, and a four-blade main rotor among other changes.

Devil dogs Of Desert Storm Challenge Coins
What a series of collectible challenge coins! The Bell AH-1W Seacobra is one of a growing series of commemorative coins that features the weapons of war utilized by the United States Marine Corps during Desert Storm. The AH-1W Seacobra was one of the finest attack helicopters of the day and racked up tanks kills one after the next with incredible prowess.
From M60A1 tanks, M1Ai Abrams tanks to the newest off the line Seacobra coin it is a commemorative coin collection designed for the most experienced coin collectors to every US Marine and family member that served during Desert Storm. We salute you with the craft of USMC coins that know no equal in the industry. So when it came to Desert Storm you had to bring a Lot of Seacobras Kill a Lot of Tanks attitude with you.